Often times in life I have shy'ed away from taking action. When I knew I should go right, I kept going left. When I should have spoken, I kept quite...or when I should have shut up, I didn't.
I have a ton of respect for people who are action takers w/ anything in life, but especially when it comes to following God's call. You know, those calls that aren't typically in our comfort zone, don't
conveniently fit into our busy-busy schedules, and cause us to make a
decision to take action, or shy-away. Specificaly, I'm talking about God's call to us non-pastor people. Yes, people like me and you, and our friends.
You've gotta watch this 3 min (and 50 second to be exact) video. This is one of the 2 people that had the biggest influence on me going to Haiti. Sarah is an amazing human being...just watch...