Sunday, April 1, 2012

highway driving

Obviously, driving in Haiti was an adventure. Their rules of the road are so drastically different than ours. What they drive and how they drive it is boarder-line crazy. If/when children are in vehicle, I do not think they discuss what at age to turn the baby-seat forward, if its a 3-point harness system, or how old to use the booster seat for Lil Johnny. I'm pretty sure they don't even have or use lap belts for the adults.

Its just better to show you...notice a few things while watching:
  1. This is a highway from Port Au Prince to the orphan villages we visited.
  2. Notice right away our van is slowing down w/ the rest of the cars, in both directions. This section of the highway had been washed out and was to pot-hole/crater-ridden to pass w/o going really slow. If you look at the road, really there are pot-holes even in the parts we're going fast.
  3. The U-Haul truck packed w/ bags of what looks like bags of rice...and packed w/ people. See what I mean by no seat belts!
  4. that crazy colorful pick-up truck is a "tap tap" which is their version of public transportation.
  5. No, bikers don't wear helmets there.
Our driver is not "playing chicken", this is just how they pass each other...

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